Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wells Fargo Claims Assistance Center

This is a true story.

Sad - yet VERY true - about Wells Fargo Bank.

March 4, 2013 - While in Madrid, Spain - we took our kitty Luna to the veterinarian for a check up. This clinic has an impeccable reputation.

Luna the day before going for her check up
Photo taken - Sunday, ‎March ‎03, ‎2013, ‏‎6:30:02 AM

Note - we have had all kinds of animals since infants - yet never have seen such an incredibly intelligent - intuitive and extremely hyper-sensitive cat before.

  • Slight fever 39.3, 
  • Heard a small sound of congestion with stethoscope, 
  • Weight 5.83 kilos, 
  • Nothing to worry about - referring to a loose lump on one side, 
  • Sedated - re-animated - gave antibiotic vaccination - Convenia, 
  • Blood test taken, 
  • Cut nails
The visit was total turmoil. The door was open - customers came in and out - the phone ringing - was answered - writing prescriptions - Elisa and Carlos (the "vets") were attending 2 million other things at the same time. 
Luna was sedated - because this turmoil stressed her terribly. She became very nervous. 
The clinic was a circus - flea market at peak hour was what you could call it.


Blood test results and diagnosis.
Carlos emailed - at 7,54 pm - (TRANSLATION)
Hello Jane, I'm Charles the little vet.  
Blood test shows that she has had or has an infection increased neutrophilsif a severe infection would have increased much more leukocytes. 
Increased glucose and erythrocytes are caused by stress. Both the increase in triglyceride, decrease in GPT and CPK increase is due to the loss of weight.

The CPK is also sometimes is a cardiac marker we should consider being an older cat.

Other parameters that are slightly increased are unimportant. 
So you have to watch that she starts eating (if not - let us know) in a few days.I have injected the 14 day antibiotic treatment - therefore all has been done.
We were relieved - the blood test showed no problems.


FOUR DAYS LATER - AT FIRST SHE WAS FINE - very hyper - then rapidly declined.

DSCN0003 Monday, ‎March ‎11, ‎2013, ‏‎6:15:10 AM - Nikon


DSCN0008 Monday, ‎March ‎11, ‎2013, ‏‎7:33:58 AM

Luna was not pooping either. We were alarmed. (Later Carlos explained that the special recuperation food he had sold us was 98% absorbed - so no waste).

Saturday, ‎March ‎09, ‎2013, ‏‎8:14:46 AM

She seemed weak - did eat when fed with a syringe - did not respond to sudden noises.

LUNA - helped us to feed her by holding up her head and then lifting her left lip up. Sweet creature of God.

TUESDAY - MARCH 12, 2013
We phoned Cat and Dog. Said she seems to be much worse. Not eating or drinking on her own - yet excepts the food. 
Looks like she wants to drink - yet does not - only looks at bowl. 
Elisa said to bring her in - they may have given her the wrong antibiotic. 
We took Luna back to Cat and Dog Vet Clinic. She was not better - apathetic and seemed bloated - abdominal distension 
She was too weak to walk far. No hind leg paralysis (= heart problems) - just weak. 

Vet - 11.30 - 12 - Carlos took Luna downstairs twice - for two x-rays. Said he needed an ultrasound. 
He was hysterical and incoherent - - cancer - bad the quick bloating - could not palpate. Spleen - heart displaced ... he ranted. 
We said - you palpated last week. He answered - I could do it because she was sedated. WEIRD ANSWER
He sedated her - again.
He ranted and raved. 
We were frightened. The first time he took her downstairs - I said I was going out. I rushed back in - heard Luna screaming - - what were they doing to her ?

Carlos called for ultrasound. Can be here at 5 pm. We asked if it would be better to leave Luna - and not move her (stress her). Left her from 12.30 - 5 pm.

17.15 -  Ultrasound was being done. I finally asked what he (the technician) saw,
Higado bastante deteriorato y mucho ascitis - fluido. (Liver quite deteriorated - ascites - fluid) 
I then asked for the photos (images he was taking) to be emailed to me as soon as he finished. 
They both said yes - of course - no problem.
They extracted fluid with a needle - to send for a lab analysis - Carlos said he did not recommend a biopsy of Luna´s liver - dangerous.
Carlos asked me to leave. I did - wondering why ?
Five ?? more people were waiting for ultrasounds.
Carlos finally called me upstairs and screamed - she is terminal - she has cirrhosis. 

I was completely shocked. 
In one week ?

Asked what the timing was - one year - one month - one day. Carlos - "I don´t think one year".

We paid another 135 Euros and left at 6.30 pm - seven hours later we were finished. This time Carlos printed a receipt - at our VERY tenacious insistence.

Up very early - checked e-mails. 
No ultrasound images. No lab report. We phoned and emailed.
Carlos apologized - "we had lots of people yesterday afternoon". I answered - "that is not my problem. Where are the images of the ultrasound and the lab results". 
He said the lab was sent out this morning - and it takes time - maybe by Thursday - or Friday. 
I exclaimed why did you wait !! 
This time sensitive information is necessary for a second opinion - time was of the essence now. We need a diagnosis and treatment urgently.
Carlos did not ask - "how is Luna ?"

I frantically wrote notes - lists - trying to analyze what could be causing Luna to be worse >>


We phoned Wells Fargo and canceled the second payment (partially) - stating that this was to force Carlos to respond - to make him send what we paid for - the ultrasound images and cytology report
We needed information - we paid for information. 
Carlos ignored us - because we had already paid. 
A second opinion could possible be sought with clinical test results - ultrasound images - and all reports to quickly send out.
We phoned the University of Madrid - they needed to see the tests first. Luna was declining by the minute - very weak - we were afraid to move her again.

DSC00265 - THURSDAY - MARCH 14 2013 11.58 AM - cell phone

We were frantic. No diagnosis - no treatment - no test results to email around - and try to avoid moving Luna. Luna was weak. Very weak. 
We again - phoned Carlos and told him the charge (payment to him) was canceled. He said - "... that is too  bad - I already paid for the ultrasound" - - then he shouted sternly ... "... we NEVER give images". 
I asked why not - you already agreed to ? - He had no answer. Said he would get back briefly. 

FRIDAY - MARCH 15, 2012
Luna now had incontinence. Bad - very bad.
Carlos finally sent six ultrasound images and cytology report - very late in the morning and at lunchtime.
Carlos -- never asked -- how is Luna ? 

As soon as the ultrasound images and cytology report were emailed to me (1.17 pm) - I phoned the University. They were out until Tuesday (Monday was a holiday).

De: carlos carlos carlos []
Enviado el: Friday, March 15, 2013 1:40 PM
Para: xxxxxxxx
Asunto: Tratamiento Luna

Hola, este es el tratamiento de Luna:

 Flagyl suspensión oral.- 1 ml  cada 12 horas.
 Seguril comprimisos.- 1/4 de comprimido cada 12 horas.
 Ursochol comprimidos.- 1/2 comprimido una vez al día.

Un saludo.

Threw up most of water and food.
Lying on side.

We called Alberto Alcocer (an emergency clinic) - they recommended a mobile vet. When he arrived - two hours after phoning - Luna was very bad - on her side and dying. She cried - moaned.
He (the mobile vet) talked a lot. Did nothing.
I held Luna in my arms. She looked at me with complete - unconditional - adoration and love. She was perfectly lucid - her eyes were deep with understanding and compassion.
Her head suddenly flew back. 
The mobile vet screamed - she just died. 
Her body kept moving. I was begging him to revive her - she was still alive - she was moving.

Luna Died at around 8 - 9 p.m.

The mobile vet gave his explanation - we asked him to write it:
"insuficiencia cardiaca derecha -> congestion hepatica -> ascitis --
extreme stress encadeno mas daños. descompensó el corazon - acelerando los procesos anteriores
la analitica salio correcta seguramente porque en ese momento el corazon no se habia descompensado"

He said he believed she had CHF - and that the extreme stress she went through the last 12 days - accelerated her death. Had she stayed home quietly - she would have lived longer.

He said that 39.3 degrees temperature was normal for a cat stressed from the trip - and not a reason to shoot antibiotics into her.

We recorded him saying this - as we were very exhausted - dazed - distraught and all other adjectives ...

The mobile vet wanted 107 euros. We gave him 55. He wanted more - we said we had no more cash. He then tried to sell us a body removal service for 125 euros.

He kept insisting that we go to an ATM machine. We asked him to just leave. He left no receipt.

We wrapped little Luna in a clean blanket and placed her in a box. Left her inside and petted her. We were in disbelief.

Dazed and exhausted - we had not slept for 12 nights taking care of our little Luna.

Link added April 16th.

Summary -- 
Carlos de Brito y Bollo only said:
1 - she has or had a small infection
2. a week later - she is terminally ill - with cirrhosis.

We have recently found out that the sedative given twice was a probable cause of little Luna´s death.

Her blood test showed no infections or anything to be alarmed about - the antibiotic "Convenia" should not have been given to her - as she had no infections.

How Wells Fargo Claims Assistance responded is a remarkable scandal.

We will report this response in documented detail soon - as this whole affair is still extremely painful for us at this time.

1 comment:

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